Thursday, January 30, 2014


I'm gonna be blunt.
Dear Indonesian stop ruining other people masterpiece, an instance dub with your weird voice in every movies and soundtrack.
I personally hate this because first of course bad dub mimicking, I mean seriously? Where's the value of that? Children need to learn English and reading, I mean they can read the subtitle and then listen to the English as well with the right pronouns and also some people can learn the daily conversation and mean word, such as bitch, dickhead, shithead, etc. Let's just not let them know how the foreigners wear clothes and another thing but also they need to know how to communicate, isn't it ironic people just know "How are you?" "What's your name?" "Where are you from" and for God sake "Yes/No", they even didn't say it on the right pronouns, gimme a break dubbers. At least if you want to dub, please do it on something that not to..just say wow.
Second is that I hate dubbed soundtrack on some cartoons, if they're in English, let it be! Don't ruin American songbook just because you people love to, I know that maybe you're not that creative by making soundtrack but at least don't change the whole language, like I said. Use subtitle, it help a lot. It's just suck when I listen to the kind of songs, hurt my ears and make me want to smash the tv.
I also agree when you guys using dubs, because it can help people who cannot understand foreign language because they're too lazy to learn them, but please don't feed this folks too much with dubs. Hey, next you're going to dub other people's love? Get real.

Monday, January 27, 2014

High Mountain, Deepin Soul

So this week I've been like go there and there it's because I'm bored and need to get off.
The first I went is Tasik, my birthplace. It feel so nostalgic and I feels like I am returning to my body (fyi I'm a lost soul). Visit a lot of nostalgic place such as Citapen and their "street" food. When I went there I also visit some ruined place like there is no one there, only memories from past. It's so silence and silence. It feel so good when I'm there.
Then I went to Bandung as in Paris-Van-Java-Bandung. There are a lot of things interest me, discount everywhere. Hey, I can be a little pricey bitch for some reason. It refreshing when I sat on a cafe just me and coffee and iPad and music. All I'm doing is just listened to the sad sad music while I'm stir my cup hoping it will drill a hole to the ground then I will bury my self and be lonely forever in the hole downside the noisy city.
At last I went to a mountain at Cikajang, it's in Garut. I went there with mum and dad, and then with mum. They have sort of business there and I went exploring by myself. On the first day, I am so thrilled because I know it will be great, but guess what? It is great, it was cloudy, foggy and  little bit rainy but for it was ahmazing. Ok, I went to the hill and there are a little path, muddy path, on the right side there are lot of weeds and I believe there are lot of snake and on the left side there is cliff that led down to the very bottom of the hill, I have to be careful on walk there, by "Bismillah" I walked up and in the middle of the path I found my self stuck on the mud, plus it's raining! I am to afraid to move because first, I don't wanna fall into the snake pit and second I don't want my parent find me in the real pit, literally. So I decided to standing silently there waiting for someone else to help me. Then now I learned something, never use flip flop to mountain, don't wear summer outfit.
But after all of things, I feel something and I know what I need. Challenge. Yes that's what I need, I need to be in something dangerous yet guarantee my safety. I need something that can beat my heart again and live! Yes, ALIVE. My heart is not beating, in fact I am dead inside, I don't know if this is because I have too many sins, but I am dead inside out.


Thursday, January 16, 2014


So this noon I just want to post labels that I give to people.
Please take a note that this is very offensive post, don't take it personal. Just having fun by my self.
Here we go.

1. Shithead
2. Manslut
3. Woolyhead
3. Jumping Cullen
4. Black Slime
5. Train Wrecker
6. Miley's Cyrus Tongue
7. Backstabber
8. Clint Eastwood's Chair
9. Needy Eyes
10. Looney Baloney
11. Man With Boobs
12. Stray Human
13. Gay Face
14. Asian version of Honey Boo Boo
15. Huey's Ass
16. Bossy Pants
17. Sluttie Barbie
18. Thrown Broom-stick
19. Hobit
20. Lame-ass
21. Creep Stranger
22. Smart-ass
23. Hanging Wrecking Ball
24. She-male
25. Cold Hearted Bitch
26. Bald Samson
27. Baboon Ass
28. Boobs Monster
29. Soccer Ball Face
30. Mr. Not-So-Cool
31. Human Crisp
32. Walking Time Bomb
33. Fart
34. Cat's Puke
35. Meerkat Face
36. Sleepy Eyes
37. Non-Aired Walking Dead
38. Non-Credited Zombie

Ok, that's all for now, I know that when people read this it makes me like a jerk but hey this is my life. Don't give me your shit. I actually never called someone with these nicknames because people here are so...let's just say sensitive. Just keeping in my mind but now I post it.
Well that's for now. Will do on part II.


I did this because bullying is for losers

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


So it's been like a silent blog, to be honest I am little lazy to post or whatever. But now, breakdown time.
First, I really appreciate that new years no a bummer for this time, last time? Shit happens, worst shit ever.
Second, I really planned well for this year like debate things and whole EFEC's thing but then Nicki Minaj's Starship lay on my head, struck down to my goddamn brain and stir everything like a shit. Exchange. I am not expected that, well I kinda pray for it on September and my prayer was like "If this is the right time, then let me be God." well this is His answer, I mean Dude, seriously? Anyway that's how He role in my life, in everybody life maybe. And then  lot of people start to asking me craps and some people said bad things like they know what's really going, I was cared about their shits but then I think whatever they just don't know what it feels like to be in my position so now I am enjoying God's answer.
For people who talked about me, I'd say is that your best? Give me your best shot bitches because maybe from now on I won't take shits like those anymore.
Oh back to my past-plan-for-2014, I got kicked from EFEC. Bummer. I was kinda upset because I really love the club but shit happen and now I know what it feels like to get fired. To be honest, I feels like a jerk but somehow I also feel that they stared me with you-are-so-guilty-stared. But then again, after few days trying to process the whole bizare thing I don't care I mean the EFEC-effect still on my mind but I have to let go. Well that's the different between someone like me and some people like ou, you trying to move on from someone? I am trying to move on from something that abstractly exist. Nerd allert. So I guess it's XOXO.
And I am officially break up with my gf. On December. Nuff said.
That's it my plan for this year, it's only one plan but I have so much idea. Now I am reconstructing my damn plan again.
The things is when I planned everything so well even when I'm already on that plan, there must be an invincible string that pulls out everything in this universe.
I take the lesson, I need to let go something or someone that I really love, I really care and I guess that's how life going. And after I'm out, I won't be seeing you again. So goodbye EFEC, I love you and last year was extravagant for me, I will never forget you (and everybody on you). :')
